Cogito, ergo sum, or I think, therefore I am, is a philosophical statement used by René Descartes, which became a foundational element of Western philosophy. From this statement comes the above design available in many different t-shirts and products. Inside of the female head there is a number of gears working. They are creating thoughts. Maybe she is thinking the following:
But I have convinced myself that there is absolutely nothing in the world, no sky, no earth, no minds, no bodies. Does it now follow that I too do not exist? No: if I convinced myself of something, or thought anything at all, then I certainly existed. But there is a deceiver of supreme power and cunning who is deliberately and constantly deceiving me. In that case I too undoubtedly exist, if he is deceiving me; and let him deceive me as much as he can, he will never bring it about that I am nothing so long as I think that I am something. So, after considering everything very thoroughly, I must finally conclude that the proposition, I am, I exist, is necessarily true whenever it is put forward by me or conceived in my mind.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The ghost pirate ship that can never go home.
According to folklore, the Flying Dutchman is a ghost ship that can never go home, and is doomed to sail the oceans forever. The Flying Dutchman is usually spotted from afar, sometimes seen to be glowing with ghostly light. It is said that if she is hailed by another ship, her crew will often try to send messages to land or to people long since dead. In ocean lore, the sight of this phantom ship is reckoned by seafarers to be a portent of doom. Dutch captain Bernard Fokke is said to be the captain of the ghost ship. Fokke was renowned for the uncanny speed of his trips from Holland to Java and was suspected of being in league with the devil.
If you are into pirates and pirate ships then you should not pass this is going to haunt you.
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4:18 PM
Friday, January 04, 2008
Valentine's Day is almost around the corner and Teeteaser couldn't let you left behind with your shopping for your loving ones. We've created just for you a number of new designs: from the the cutest and romantic to the sexiest and bizarre... One thing is for sure here you are going to find a great gift for yourself or your love one.
Also known as a hickey. INSTUCTIONS: 1. Choose the right spot... You can give someone a hickey just about anywhere. The most common place is on the throat, because the capillaries (tiny blood vessels) that are broken during a hickey are pretty close to the surface and because you don’t need to remove any clothing to give a hickey on the neck. These are also the most easily visible, and while visibility is usually intended, you may want to
give or receive a hickey elsewhere where it is more easily covered. 2. Place your lips against the skin, leaving your mouth open slightly in the middle. Your lips should be parted as though you are saying the letter “O.” 3. Suck on the skin. Make a good seal with your lips against the skin, and suck the skin as though you’re trying to suck it into your mouth. Continue applying suction for at least 30 seconds, possibly more. The suction will break the capillaries beneath the skin and cause the characteristic bruising that is a hickey.
Loves Me, Loves Me Not or effeuiller la marguerite (in French) is a game of French origin, in which one person seeks to determine whether the object of his or her affection returns that affection or not. It is often spoken while plucking the petals of a flower (especially an ox-eye daisy or marguerite) one by one, with the last petal giving the "answer" to whether he or she loves you. It is therefore dependent on whether the flower has an even or odd number of petals. It is traditionally performed by a person infatuated with another, seeking to reaffirm a pre-existing belief. It may also be performed whimsically.
If you’re among those who consider love as a painful experience but would definitely try it one more time, then this sweet and charming design is made for you! A colorful "Love" inside a pickled wreath? Why not? It’s all yours in a line of products…
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10:21 PM